Match Report

Villi’s U18s & U16s Match Report



The under 18s had a very poor night at Stratarama Stadium losing to Glenelg by 85 points.

After a competitive first half we fell away badly in the second half and Glenelg were much too strong. It was a very disappointing performance.

We didn’t have a lot of good players but Jevan Phillipou worked hard all night in our midfield and kicked 2 goals as well as Jack Hankins who worked tirelessly in our defence. Jack Cook also tried hard along with Lachlan Sands.

This week Harry Piggott played his first Under 18 game for the year.

Next week we play Norwood at home and we will get back to basics as we prepare for a bettere performance.

Shane Reardon – Under 18 Coach




This week we ventured down to Glenelg last Wednesday and played a mid week Game.

In what was a tight contest all night, Michael Daly from Two Wells made his debut as a key forward.

With scores even at quarter time and only 2 points in our favour at half time the game was set up for who wanted it the most. The third quarter offered the same as the first two in which Glenelg took a one point lead into the last break.

We started well in the last quarter kicking the first 3 goals and opened up a 16 point lead midway thru the last, however Glenelg rolled the dice and to their credit kicked the next 3 goals and went on to win by 4 points.

The players were visibly disappointed with the lost and felt the pain of not taking home the points. Whilst we didn’t win the Game I felt proud of the way the players played in what I considered as our best performance of the year.

Hunter Wellgreen kicked 3 goals, 2 to Connor Robertson, singles to Michael Daly, Tahj Madigan, Tate Wolthers, Riley Henneker & Jack Leys.

This week we had many more contributors with Jack Marks in Ruck, Jack Leys, Tate Wolthers & Riley Henneker thru the midfield, Hunter Wellgreen up forward and Ben Scheuffele down back all making significant contributions.

This week we look forward to taking on Norwood at Home on Saturday.

Darren Hams – U16 Coach