Match Report

Wheelchair Wrap – Round 2

Trevor Jarrett reviews Round 2 vs Central District

In our second game, we came up against a very determined and experienced Centrals team. Their physicality definitely rattled us in the 1st half, which caused us to rush our disposal of the football and take us out of our game plan.

To the team’s credit, we matched Centrals’ pressure, ensuring that our disposal and scoring efficiency, whilst lower than we would ideally like, was still better than our opponent’s. Even so, we only held a slight 7 point lead at ¾ time.

The final quarter was a completely different story. Our experienced players definitely stood up, which seemed to have a calming effect on the rest of team. We played an extremely controlled and efficient quarter, extending our lead and running out 25 point winners.

A special mention needs to go out to 2nd game player Kane Downie, who’s selfless “team first” mentality, showed exactly why he is already an extremely vital member of our squad.  

Our development team also continued their unbeaten start to the season, with another nail-biting 6 point win. It was great to have Steve Knight and Adam Stehniak back for their first games of the season and special congratulations to Langdon Williams on his excellent debut game.

Next up, we face an improved Norwood team. As a squad, we are facing a period in which we will be missing a number of players at various times. This will be a great test for us as a group, but it will also provide greater opportunities for players, which will hold us in good stead for later in the season.

Thankyou to everyone who supported us on Friday night. It means a lot to the team and we look forward to another great crowd this week.

Go Eagles!

Trevor Jarrett- Wheelchair League Coach