Match Report

Wheelchair Wrap – Round 3

Round 3 Match Report vs Norwood

R3 of the Novita SANFL Wheelchair Football League saw us come up against the old rival in Norwood.

With Captain/Coach Trevor Jarrett away, the players were determined to not deviate from our game plan.  Led by Adam Roocke who steps in to Trevor’s shoes whilst he is away, the team did not disappoint.

Q1 was a strong start leading at 19 but it was to be the young gun in Cooper Spillane who piled on 11 goals throughout the game sealed the win and was the standout player of the game.  He was well supported by all players with Roocke showing a strong presence through the centre part of the court.

Norwood had a strong Q3 out scoring us by 7 points but the eventual score was one of a strong team performance where everyone contributed.

Final scores Eagles 95 Norwood 23,  a big win of 72 points.  The pace of the game is certainly a feature of Wheelchair footy that continues to develop and if you haven’t watched a game, we as a club urge you to come to a game or watch it on SANFL Now.

The Development team also played an abridged game prior to the League and won that game 22 – 0.  The standout moment of the game with Luke Hale scoring an impressive goal from tight on the boundary.

We now have a bye week and suit up again to face Sturt as the second round of games continues – R4 – Friday 14 June – 8pm Lights Community Centre.